by Sajmn | Feb 10, 2025 | Features, History stories, RPG stories, bestiaries and quest templates, Technology and science
Gaming since the dawn of time: the history and present of board and tabletop games } 15 min read Interesting facts Facebook Twitter Whatsapp share this story 7 Games as a mirror of civilization Board and table games have been with us for thousands of...
by Sajmn | May 25, 2024 | History stories, Technology and science
The Birth and Evolution of Sudoku } 10 min read education, entertainment Facebook Twitter Whatsapp share this story 7 Chapter 1: The Birth and Evolution of Sudoku Sudoku, the globally cherished number puzzle, has a rich history dating back centuries, its...
by Sajmn | Jul 30, 2023 | Technology and science
What is Lorem ipsum? Examples, meaning and history Lorem ipsum is a Latin text that is used as a substitute for text in web design and graphic design. It is pseudo-Latin text that contains no meaning but looks like normal text. Lorem ipsum is used to allow designers...